BC Association of Kinesiologists Office |
British Columbia Association of Kinesiologists |
604.601.5100 ext. 102 |
ed@bcak.bc.ca |
Collections |
University of the Fraser Valley |
604.504.7441, x4277 |
collections@ufv.ca |
Speech and Hearing BC Office |
Speech and Hearing BC |
604.420.2222 |
info@speechandhearingbc.ca |
BCIT Acquisitions |
British Columbia Institute of Technology |
bcit_acquisitions@bcit.ca |
CNC Library Acquisitions |
College of New Caledonia |
250.562.2131 x 5387 |
acquisitions@cnc.bc.ca |
Library Acquisitions |
Capilano University |
libraryacquisitions@capilanou.ca |
Library Acquisitions |
University of the Fraser Valley |
604.504.7441 x4295 |
libraryacq@ufv.ca |
Jen Adams |
Kwantlen Polytechnic University |
604.599.3606 |
jen.adams@kpu.ca |
Database Administration |
University of the Fraser Valley |
libdatabases@ufv.ca |
Ignacio Albarracin |
College of New Caledonia |
250.562.2131 |
albarracini1@cnc.bc.ca |
David Alexander |
Vancouver Island University |
David.Alexander@viu.ca |
Sheldon Armstrong |
University of British Columbia |
604.822.5300 |
sheldon.armstrong@ubc.ca |
Emilia Arsici |
Capilano University |
emiliaarsici@capilanou.ca |
Erin Bergen |
Island Health Authority |
Erin.Bergen@islandhealth.ca |
Aggie Black |
Providence Health Care |
604.682.2344, loc. 66124 |
ablack@providencehealth.bc.ca |
Connie Bolding |
Interior Health Authority |
250.862.4300 (ext. 7296) |
Connie.Bolding@interiorhealth.ca |
Patricia Boleen |
Yukon University |
867.668.8872 |
pboleen@yukonu.ca |
David Boudinot |
University of Victoria |
250.721.6132 |
boudinot@uvic.ca |
Jenny Bourhill |
Health and Human Services Library (Ministry of Health and Ministry of Children and Family Development) |
250.952.2170 |
jenny.bourhill@gov.bc.ca |
Kris Bovay |
British Columbia Association of Kinesiologists |
604.601.5100 |
admin@bcak.bc.ca |
Lin Brander |
British Columbia Institute of Technology |
604.432.8922 |
Lin_Brander@bcit.ca |
Celia Brinkerhoff |
Kwantlen Polytechnic University |
604.599.3235 |
Celia.Brinkerhoff@kpu.ca |
Maddison Brown |
College of New Caledonia |
250.562.2131, ext. 5387 |
brownm4@cnc.bc.ca |
Melissa Caines |
Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine |
604-777-9981, ext 229 |
MCaines@ccnm.edu |
Camille Callison |
University of the Fraser Valley |
604.864.4696 |
camille.callison@ufv.ca |
Janet Campbell |
Speech and Hearing BC |
604.420.2222 |
janet@speechandhearingbc.ca |
Rita Cavaliere |
Nicola Valley Institute of Technology |
250.378.3303 |
rcavaliere@nvit.bc.ca |
Thea Chamberlain |
Island Health Authority |
Thea.Chamberlain@islandhealth.ca |
Carrie Charlesworth |
Camosun College |
250.370.3612 |
charlesc@camosun.ca |
Shannon Cheng-Gornall |
Provincial Health Services Authority |
shannon.cheng@phsa.ca |
Margie Clarke |
Camosun College |
250.370.4533 |
clarkeM@camosun.ca |
Danell Clay |
Northern Health Authority |
250-565-2152 |
Danell.clay@northernhealth.ca |
Michele Cook |
Coast Mountain College |
250.635.6511, local 5259 |
mcook@coastmountaincollege.ca |
Claire Cote |
Registered Massage Therapists' Association of British Columbia |
604.873.4467 (ext 301) |
claire@rmtbc.ca |
Jason Craig |
Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia |
604.736.5130 ext 3 |
jcraig@bcphysio.org |
Megan Crouch |
Simon Fraser University |
778.782.4962 |
mcrouch@sfu.ca |
Diane Cruickshank |
University of the Fraser Valley |
604.504.7441 x4790 |
diane.cruickshank@ufv.ca |
Sara Cruz |
Providence Health Care |
604.839.6914 |
scruz4@providencehealth.bc.ca |
Gregg Currie |
Selkirk College |
250.365.1263 |
gcurrie@selkirk.ca |
Alison Curtis |
Langara College |
604-323-5465 |
acurtis@langara.ca |
Joey da Costa |
Thompson Rivers University |
250.828.5303 |
jdacosta@tru.ca |
Sean Demaio |
Island Health Authority |
sean.demaio@islandhealth.ca |
Acquisitions Department |
Thompson Rivers University |
acquisitions@tru.ca |
Mica Depner |
Interior Health Authority |
250.558.1219 |
mica.depner@interiorhealth.ca |
Gena Ellett |
Health Regulatory Hub Library (BC College of Nurses & Midwives, College of Complementary Health Professionals of BC, and College of Health & Care Professionals of BC) |
604.742.6200 |
library@healthreghub.ca |
Eiman Elnoshokaty |
Simon Fraser University |
778.782.6771 |
eiman_elnoshokaty@sfu.ca |
Heather Empey |
University of Northern British Columbia |
250.960.6468 |
Heather.Empey@unbc.ca |
UBC eResources |
University of British Columbia |
lib-econtact@lists.ubc.ca |
Evelyn Feldman |
University of Victoria |
250-472-4638 |
evelynmf@uvic.ca |
Ana Maria Ferrinho |
British Columbia Institute of Technology |
604.432.8546 |
aferrinh@bcit.ca |