Darcye Lovsin |
Justice Institute of British Columbia |
604.528.5592 |
dlovsin@jibc.ca |
Gordon MacDonald |
Registered Massage Therapists' Association of British Columbia |
604.873.4467, ext. 308 |
gordon@rmtbc.ca |
Tim MacDonald |
Coast Mountain College |
250.624.6054 x5714 |
TMacdonald@Coastmountaincollege.ca |
Carol MacFarlane |
Health Regulatory Hub Library (BC College of Nurses & Midwives, College of Complementary Health Professionals of BC, and College of Health & Care Professionals of BC) |
604.742.6244 |
carol.macfarlane@bccnm.ca |
Kristina McDavid |
University of British Columbia |
kristina.mcdavid@ubc.ca |
Kenneth McFarlan |
Island Health Authority |
250.370.8723, ext. 13617 |
kenneth.mcfarlan@islandhealth.ca |
Dana McFarland |
Vancouver Island University |
50.740.6332 |
Dana.McFarland@viu.ca |
Jody Mendenhall |
College of the Rockies |
250.489.2751, x3419 |
jmendenhall@cotr.bc.ca |
BC SUPPORT Unit Michael Smith Health Research BC |
Michael Smith Health Research BC |
604.730.8322 |
bcsupportunit@healthresearchbc.ca |
Sue Morin |
College of the Rockies |
250.489.2751 x3407 |
smorin@cotr.bc.ca |
Todd Mundle |
Kwantlen Polytechnic University |
604.599.3400 |
todd.mundle@kpu.ca |
Christina Neigel |
Capilano University |
christinaneigel@capilanou.ca |
Cortney Newton |
College of the Rockies |
250.489.8288, ext. 3288 |
cnewton@cotr.bc.ca |
George Nikic |
British Columbia Association of Kinesiologists |
604.601.5100 |
membership@bcak.bc.ca |
Sunni Nishimura |
eHLbc Administrative Centre |
778.782.6937 |
sunnin@bceln.ca |
OC Library Acquisitions |
Okanagan College |
libraryacquisitions@okanagan.bc.ca |
Paula Osachoff |
Island Health Authority |
paula.osachoff@islandhealth.ca |
Reba Ouimet |
eHLbc Administrative Centre |
rebao@bceln.ca |
PABC Admin |
Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia |
info@bcphysio.org |
Sarah Parker |
University of British Columbia |
604.822.7918 |
sarah.parker@ubc.ca |
Alayna Payne |
Nurses and Nurse Practitioners of BC |
(250) 718-7862 |
apayne@nnpbc.com |
Sharon Penney |
First Nations Health Authority |
604.693.6733 |
Sharon.Penney@fnha.ca |
Trinity Posteraro |
University of Northern British Columbia |
250.960.6600 |
Trinity.Posteraro@unbc.ca |
Myfanwy Postgate |
eHLbc Administrative Centre |
778.782.3036 |
myfanwyp@ehlbc.ca |
Suzanne Rackover |
Langara College |
604.323.5243 |
srackover@langara.ca |
Elizabeth Rennie |
Thompson Rivers University |
250.371.5775 |
erennie@tru.ca |
Daryl Reynolds |
British Columbia Association of Kinesiologists |
604.465.1531 |
ed@bcak.bc.ca |
Allison Richardson |
Kwantlen Polytechnic University |
604.598.6026 |
allison.richardson@kpu.ca |
Steve Roe |
Alexander College |
604.435.5815 |
steve.roe@alexandercollege.ca |
Trish Rosseel |
Douglas College |
604.527.5182 |
rosseelt@douglascollege.ca |
Andrea Ryce |
Provincial Health Services Authority |
andrea.ryce@cw.bc.ca |
Kevin Sauve |
Michael Smith Health Research BC |
604.354.2628 |
ksauve@healthresearchbc.ca |
Brooke Ballantyne Scott |
Fraser Health Authority |
604.520.4755 |
brooke.scott@fraserhealth.ca |
Patricia Scott |
Camosun College |
250.370.3606 |
scottp@camosun.ca |
Sameena Sheriff |
eHLbc Administrative Centre |
sameenas@bceln.ca |
Katharine Shipley |
Douglas College |
604.777.6232 |
shipleyk1@douglascollege.ca |
Brenda Smith |
Thompson Rivers University |
250.828.5098 |
brsmith@tru.ca |
Darcie Smith |
Northern Health Authority |
Darcie.Smith@northernhealth.ca |
Judy Taylor |
Kwantlen Polytechnic University |
604.599.3102 |
judy.taylor@kpu.ca |
Sally Taylor |
University of British Columbia |
604.822.6638 |
sally.taylor@ubc.ca |
Sonya Terenes |
North Island College |
250.334.4231 |
Sonya.Ternes@nic.bc.ca |
Dawna Turcotte |
Northern Lights College |
250.787.6213 / 866.463.6652 ext. 6213 |
librarian@nlc.bc.ca |
Dawna Turcotte |
Northern Lights College |
250.785.6981 or 1.866.463.6652 x2012 |
dturcotte@nlc.bc.ca |
E-Resource Unit |
University of Victoria |
esource@uvic.ca |
Veena Varghese |
Yukon Health and Social Services |
Veena.Varghese@yukon.ca |
Mary Vassilopoulos |
Island Health Authority |
Mary.Vassilopoulos@islandhealth.ca |
Ryan Vernon |
Langara College |
604.323.5047 |
rvernon@langara.ca |
Casey Wagner |
eHLbc Administrative Centre |
caseyw@bceln.ca |
Brandon Weigel |
eHLbc Administrative Centre |
brandonw@bceln.ca |
Tracey Woodburn |
Coast Mountain College |
250.635.6511, ext. 5340 |
twoodburn@coastmountaincollege.ca |