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Fee Schedule

Since 2006, eHLbc has had an agreement with the BC Electronic Library Network (BC ELN) as its Administrative Centre to provide the necessary staffing and infrastructure for the consortium's operations. The eHLbc consortium pays an Administrative Fee to cover Administrative Centre costs such as staffing, hosting fees, meeting and teleconferences, newsletters and reports, clerical and technical support, website maintenance, and strategic planning. The fee is based loosely on the cost of 1.5 FTE professional staffing support. 

The Administrative Fee paid by the eHLbc consortium to BC ELN is divided among members through a cost-sharing model that has been in place since 2006.

Full Members

Full Member fees (see fees per organization) cover the base operational and administrative costs of the consortium. Full Members commit to annual membership fees over a four-year period. The total Administrative Fee is split evenly between the Post-Secondary and Health sectors.

Post-Secondary Sector

Post-Secondary Member fees are calculated at approximately $0.34 per FTE, within a minimum of $700 and a maximum of $11,000.

Health Sector

The Health sector division of costs is based on the BC Ministry of Health's allocation of the global health care budget. 

  • Fraser Health Authority: 23.7%
  • Interior Health Authority: 14.3%
  • Island Health Authority: 16.1%
  • Northern Health Authority: 5.1%
  • Provincial Health Services Authority: 17.3%
  • Vancouver Coastal Health Authority / Providence Health Care: 23.5%

Additionally the Health and Human Services Library (Ministries of Health and Children and Family Development) costs are matched to the smallest health authority.

Affiliate Members

Affiliate Member fees (see fees per organization) cover the special projects and extraordinary expenses of the consortium. Affiliate Members renew their membership and commit to fees on an annual basis. 

Affiliate membership fees are calculated at approximately $0.34 per FTE or headcount, within a minimum of $700 and a maximum of $1,000.

Terms of Payment

Member organizations will be invoiced for membership fees every year in April or May. See Billings for member invoices and payment instructions.