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Financial Framework


eHLbc’s operating revenue consists of membership and licensing fees derived from full and affiliate members.

Membership Fees

eHLbc consortium pays an Administrative Fee to BC ELN to cover Administrative Centre costs such as staffing, hosting fees, meeting and teleconferences, newsletters and reports, clerical and technical support, website maintenance, and strategic planning. The fee continues to be loosely based on the cost of 1.5 FTE professional staffing support. This fee is divided among members through a cost-sharing model that has been in place since 2006.  The cost-sharing model is as follows:

  • Full Member fees cover the base operational and administration costs of the consortium. Full Members commit to annual membership fees for the period of the Core Suite renewal.

  • The total Administrative Fee is divided 50/50 between the Health and Post-secondary sectors.

  • The Health sector division of costs is based on the BC Ministry of Health's allocation of the global health care budget. It additionally includes: the Ministries of Health, Children and Family Development and Mental Health and Addictions; and the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC, which pay the same amount as the smallest health authority.

  • Affiliate Member fees cover the special projects and extraordinary expenses of the consortium. Affiliate Members commit to membership fees on an annual basis.

See the Membership Fee Schedule for more details.

Core Suite Licensing Fees

Full Members commit to the cost of Core Suite license fees for the period of the Core Suite renewal (3 or 4 years), paid annually in Canadian dollars.

Affiliate Members make a 1 year commitment to licensing fees and pay annually in Canadian dollars. These fees are used to subsidize full member Core Suite licensing fees.

Core Suite vendors invoice the consortium in US dollars. Due to the volatile US exchange rate, institutional costs are converted to CAD at the time of invoicing, and at this point are reduced using the Affiliate Member Fee Subsidy. For more details, see the Core Suite pages.

Boutique License Fees

eHLbc’s opt-in/opt-out boutique resources are licensed on a cost-recovery basis; no additional administrative fees are levied.

Carryforward Funds

Carryforward funds are all unspent revenue that will be available for use in the next fiscal year. These funds are kept separate from eHLbc’s operating funds. Examples of carryforward funds include license or membership prepayments and the affiliate member subsidy.


eHLbc expenses are associated with the consortium’s core business. These include:

  • eHLbc Administrative Centre staff, equivalent to 1.5 FTEs, who support the operations of the consortium, maintain communications infrastructure, and provide technical and clerical support.
  • Basic administrative overhead such as hosting fees, meetings, teleconferences, newsletters and reports, and website maintenance, migration and enhancements.
  • Committee operations and travel funds to support committee members in conducting eHLbc business.
  • Strategic planning to identify the consortium’s future objectives and plan for their achievement.

Financial Oversight

The eHLbc Management Committee, with the support of the Administrative Centre, provides leadership, approves the annual expenditure plan, negotiates pricing for licensed resources with the vendors, and ensures that objectives are met through support and oversight of the operational activities of the consortium.