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DSM-5 Library / PsychiatryOnline Offer 2014-2015

Response Deadline: 
September 26, 2014

Subscription Term


January 1, 2015


December 31, 2015

e-HLbc is pleased to offer a subscription to the American Psychiatric Publishing (APP) DSM-5 / Psychiatry Online, a Consortia Canada license negotiated by e-HLbc and the Ontario Council of University Libraries (OCUL). 

The vendor is a smaller publisher with very rigid structures. Consequently, this was a complicated license to negotiate, and the subscription process reflects this. 

APP is providing e-HLbc member institutions with a choice of three subscription packages: DSM-5 Library (DSM-5), PsychiatryOnline Core (POL Core), and PsychiatryOnline Premium (POL Premium). 

Participation discounts are aggregated for all three APP packages across Canada.  Existing subscribers to the APP products are encouraged to join the e-HLbc subscription to enjoy the group participation discounts.


The American Psychiatric Publishing (APP) Journals and PsychiatryOnline Packages (including DSM-5 and other textbooks) are moving to a new platform on Wednesday October 29, 2014. The new technology partner is Atypon, and the platform is Literatum.  More details are available on the publisher's website.


IP Authentication
Remote Access
Unlimited Access

Additional Information

Unlimited simultaneous Internet access.

EZproxy is supported.

Perpetual Access:
From the license:  “In the event that Licensee does not renew a subscription, journal content from PsychiatryOnline will be available to licensee on a rolling 12-month embargo basis. Thus, if licensee does not renew after December, journal content from the previous 12 months and going back to January 1997 shall be available to licensee. Non-journal content from PsychiatryOnline shall not be available to licensee after non-renewal or cancellation. Perpetual access applies to journal content only.”