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SPORTDiscus Index / SPORTDiscus with Full Text

SPORTDiscus Index

SPORTDiscus is the leading bibliographic database for sports and sports medicine research. It includes records from leading sports medicine journals, books, dissertations and more.

SPORTDiscus with Full Text

SPORTDiscus with Full text is the definitive database for sports and sports medicine research. Providing hundreds of full-text sports medicine journals, it is an essential tool for health professionals and researchers studying fitness, health and sports.

Subjects Covered:

  • Athletic training
  • Coaching and education
  • Consumer health
  • Exercise science and fitness
  • Health education
  • Kinesiology
  • Nutrition
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Orthopedics
  • Physical education
  • Physical therapy
  • Sociology of sports
  • Sport psychology
  • Sports injuries and rehabilitation
  • Sports management
  • Sports sciences

[From vendor]

Last updated: June 2, 2022

Multi-Consortial Note: 

SPORTDiscus is a multi-consortial offer, available through eHLbc and the Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries (COPPUL) and led by COPPUL. COPPUL members who are also eHLbc members are asked to submit responses to eHLbc. 


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