Wondering how a PICO (Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome) search works in EBSCO Core Suite resources? Come learn from a clinical research expert!
At this 45-minute Learning Opportunity for eHLbc member library staff, Kendra Walfield from EBSCO will provide an overview of clinical content across all EBSCO resources in the Core Suite: APA PsycArticles [1], APA PsycInfo [2], Biomedical Reference Collection: Comprehensive Edition [3], CINAHL Complete [4], eBook Nursing Collection [5], and MEDLINE with Full Text [6]. The session will also include an introduction to the PICO search model. There will be time for your questions provided. eHLbc Admin Centre staff will be on hand to answer any questions as well.
This online event will take place from 12:00-12:45 PM Pacific.
Please sign up here [7]. Registrants will be sent connection details closer to the date. This session will be recorded and the recording link will be sent to registrants and posted on the Learning Opportunities page [8] (login required).
Stay tuned for more eHLbc Learning Opportunities in the future.
Have ideas for future sessions? Have questions about the October 25 session? Let us know!
[1] https://ehlbc.ca/resources/psycarticles
[2] https://ehlbc.ca/resources/psycinfo
[3] https://ehlbc.ca/resources/biomedical-reference-collection-comprehensive-edition
[4] https://ehlbc.ca/resources/cinahl-complete
[5] https://ehlbc.ca/resources/ebooks-nursing-collection
[6] https://ehlbc.ca/resources/medline-with-full-text
[7] https://ehlbc.ca/pico-ebsco
[8] https://ehlbc.ca/members/training-support/learning-opportunities
[9] https://ehlbc.ca/about-us/contact-us