There are many reasons you may have issues connecting to a database including connectivity, access, authentication & licensing.
Connectivity Solution: It may be a temporary connectivity issue with your Internet connection and the database.
- Try accessing other resources and Internet pages to check if it's just particular resources that are having connectivity issues or your entire internet.
- If you encounter database error messages, try clearing your browser cookies & cache and restart your browser to try again.
- Try a different browser (e.g., Chrome & Firefox) as some browsers, such as Safari and Internet Explorer, may have connection issues with a variety of databases. More information on your browser and connection settings available at: Internet Explorer; Firefox; Chrome; Safari.
- Contact your Technical Services department to check for current connectivity issues with Internet access.
Access Solution: There may be a misconfigured URL access issue. Check that the URL of the resource is correct or contact the vendor or the eHLbc Administrative Centre for additional assistance updating your URLs.
On-site Authentication Solution: If you're using the resources on-site, there may be an authentication issue. Check that your IP addresses are up-to-date with EBSCOAdmin and OVID. Contact the eHLbc Administrative Centre for assistance updating your list of IP addresses.
Off-site Authentication Solution: If you're using the resources off-site, there may be an authentication issue.
- If you use Referrer URL authentication, contact the eHLbc Administrative Centre for more assistance.
- If you're using username and password logins, update them in EBSCOAdmin and OVID.
- If you're using Ezproxy, check with your library technical support and the OCLC Ezproxy Support guide for assistance.
Licensing Solution: There may be a licensing issue if access to the database is no longer available. Check the License & Terms Details and Participating Institutions sections of each database at eHLbc licensed resources for additional information or contact the eHLbc Administrative Centre for assistance.