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Why can't we access full-text content from our eHLbc database or from Full Text Finder?

There may be multiple reasons why full-text journals and articles are not available, including due to licensing or access issues.

a) Solution: Only some resources provide access to full-text articles. Check eHLbc licensed resources, vendor database title lists, or Library Publications in your Full Text Finder for more information about journal embargos and other restrictions to accessing full-text articles.

b) Solution: Publishers sometimes remove full-text content that was previously available. Contact the vendor or the eHLbc Administrative Centre for additional information on content that may no longer be available.

c) Solution: If it appears that access to full-text articles should be available, check for other recent full-text articles in that journal title. There is often a few months lag from the publisher with certain titles. Contact the vendor or the eHLbc Administrative Centre for additional assistance.

d) Solution: If you believe that an article or journal title should be available but do not see it displayed in the database or in your Full Text Finder, check with the vendor or the eHLbc Administrative Centre, as there may be an error in the content display. Please contact us with the citation and database information when requesting additional assistance.

e) Solution: If the journal title is a new resource, check that you have auto-updates for new titles activated in your Full Text Finder. You will need to contact EBSCO directly to add any missing journals, as titles unfortunately are not retro-actively added after auto-updates is turned on.  Please contact the eHLbc Administrative Centre if you would like assistance.

f) Solution: If the full-text article is just not available, we recommend that you contact your library for additional assistance or to request the item via interlibrary loan from another organization.
