BC Association of Kinesiologists Office |
British Columbia Association of Kinesiologists |
604.601.5100 ext. 102 |
ed@bcak.bc.ca |
Ignacio Albarracin |
College of New Caledonia |
250.562.2131 |
albarracini1@cnc.bc.ca |
David Alexander |
Vancouver Island University |
David.Alexander@viu.ca |
Sheldon Armstrong |
University of British Columbia |
604.822.5300 |
sheldon.armstrong@ubc.ca |
Aggie Black |
Providence Health Care |
604.682.2344, loc. 66124 |
ablack@providencehealth.bc.ca |
Connie Bolding |
Interior Health Authority |
250.862.4300 (ext. 7296) |
Connie.Bolding@interiorhealth.ca |
Jenny Bourhill |
Health and Human Services Library (Ministry of Health and Ministry of Children and Family Development) |
250.952.2170 |
jenny.bourhill@gov.bc.ca |
Melissa Caines |
Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine |
604-777-9981, ext 229 |
MCaines@ccnm.edu |
Janet Campbell |
Speech and Hearing BC |
604.420.2222 |
janet@speechandhearingbc.ca |
Rita Cavaliere |
Nicola Valley Institute of Technology |
250.378.3303 |
rcavaliere@nvit.bc.ca |
Thea Chamberlain |
Island Health Authority |
Thea.Chamberlain@islandhealth.ca |
Danell Clay |
Northern Health Authority |
250-565-2152 |
Danell.clay@northernhealth.ca |
Michele Cook |
Coast Mountain College |
250.635.6511, local 5259 |
mcook@coastmountaincollege.ca |
Claire Cote |
Registered Massage Therapists' Association of British Columbia |
604.873.4467 (ext 301) |
claire@rmtbc.ca |
Jason Craig |
Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia |
604.736.5130 ext 3 |
jcraig@bcphysio.org |
Megan Crouch |
Simon Fraser University |
778.782.4962 |
mcrouch@sfu.ca |
Diane Cruickshank |
University of the Fraser Valley |
604.504.7441 x4790 |
diane.cruickshank@ufv.ca |
Gregg Currie |
Selkirk College |
250.365.1263 |
gcurrie@selkirk.ca |
Sean Demaio |
Island Health Authority |
sean.demaio@islandhealth.ca |
Evelyn Feldman |
University of Victoria |
250-472-4638 |
evelynmf@uvic.ca |
Ana Maria Ferrinho |
British Columbia Institute of Technology |
604.432.8546 |
aferrinh@bcit.ca |
Susan Firbank |
Health Employers Association of British Columbia |
604.714.2395 |
SusanF@heabc.bc.ca |
Trina Fyfe |
University of Northern British Columbia |
250.960.5195 |
trina.fyfe@unbc.ca |
Lynette Gallant |
North Island College |
250.334.5001 |
Lynette.Gallant@nic.bc.ca |
Dorothy Gebert |
Columbia Bible College |
604.853.3567, ext. 334 |
dorothy.gebert@columbiabc.edu |
Patricia Geddes |
Vancouver Island University |
250.753.3245, ext. 2740 |
Patricia.geddes@viu.ca |
Vinny Gibson |
Vancouver Coastal Health Authority |
604.984.5000, ext. 5317 |
vinny.gibson@vch.ca |
Aline Goncalves |
Yukon University |
867.668.8727 |
agoncalves@yukonu.ca |
Tania Gottschalk |
Thompson Rivers University |
778.471.8655 |
tgottschalk@tru.ca |
Darcy Gullacher |
Trinity Western University |
604.513.2121 ext. 3905 |
Darcy.Gullacher@twu.ca |
Lisa Gysel |
Interior Health Authority |
250.314.2234 |
Lisa.Gysel@interiorhealth.ca |
April Haddad |
Justice Institute of British Columbia |
604.528.5594 |
ahaddad@jibc.ca |
Korinne Hamakawa-Woo |
eHLbc Administrative Centre |
778.782.7003 |
korinneh@bceln.ca |
Daphne Hamilton-Nagorsen |
WorkSafeBC |
604.244.6253 |
Daphne.Hamilton-Nagorsen@worksafebc.com |
Mike Harrison |
Nurses and Nurse Practitioners of BC |
604.737.1304, ext. 101 |
mharrison@nnpbc.com |
Nora Hehemann |
Yukon University |
nhehemann@yukonu.ca |
Laura Hillier |
Yukon Health and Social Services |
867-332-7483 |
laura.hillier@yukon.ca |
Erin Howard |
Camosun College |
howarde@camosun.ca |
Information Management Services |
First Nations Health Authority |
604.693.6700 |
ims@fnha.ca |
Mayu Ishida |
University of British Columbia |
604.822.3609 |
mayu.ishida@ubc.ca |
Chantalle Jack |
Provincial Health Services Authority |
604.675.8004 |
chantalle.jack@bccancer.bc.ca |
Roen Janyk |
Okanagan College |
250.762.5445, ext. 4660 |
RJanyk@okanagan.bc.ca |
Matthew Kaufhold |
Island Health Authority |
(250) 370-8111 x 15358 |
Matthew.Kaufhold@islandhealth.ca |
Emma Lawson |
Langara College |
604.323.5464 |
elawson@langara.ca |
David Leggett |
Nicola Valley Institute of Technology |
250.378.3302 |
dleggett@nvit.bc.ca |
Shirley Lew |
Vancouver Community College |
604.871.7007 |
slew@vcc.ca |
Library |
Registered Massage Therapists' Association of British Columbia |
604.873.4467 |
libraryresource@rmtbc.ca |
Anne Lomas |
Health and Human Services Library (Ministry of Health and Ministry of Children and Family Development) |
778.974.4544 |
Anne.Lomas@gov.bc.ca |
Shannon Long |
Vancouver Coastal Health Authority |
(604) 244-5165 |
Shannon.Long@vch.ca |
Shaun Longstreet |
College of the Rockies |
250.489.8293, ext 3685 |
slongstreet@cotr.bc.ca |