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CPS / RxTx 2

No longer offered by eHLbc.​

As described by the vendor:

CPS (formerly e-CPS) -- The Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties (CPS) is the Canadian standard for drug monographs developed by manufacturers and approved by Health Canada. CPS contains more than 2,000 product monographs for drugs, vaccines and natural health products, including 208 new monographs. This definitive resource also includes 164 CPhA monographs written by the Canadian Pharmacists Association's editorial staff, based on the best available evidence and reviewed by expert physicians and pharmacists. Clinical tools, product images and directories of drug and healthcare information are included.

RxTx 2 (formerly e-Therapeutics+) -- RxTx is Canada's authoritative source for prescribing and managing drug therapy at the point of care, providing health care professionals with online and mobile access to evidence-based, reliable Canadian drug and therapeutic information. RxTx integrates the content from our drug and therapeutic products into one convenient resource along with other valuable external references. RxTx 2 includes the Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties (CPS) and Compendium of Therapeutic Choices (CTC).