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New Tool Streamlines eResource Management for Members

Sign that reads "Time for Change". Coloured lights are in the background.
March 28, 2022

Change is coming! eHLbc member organizations will soon have a new tool at their disposal to manage electronic resource licenses. This Spring, the consortium will transition to ConsortiaManager, a platform designed specifically for managing Library Consortia workflows. Once operational, staff at member organizations will be able to log into their ConsortiaManager dashboard and have the ability to track and renew licensed resources, view offers and invoices, and receive relevant messages.

Prompted by the need to find a tool that would replace current infrastructure, eHLbc explored options in 2021. ConsortiaManager was selected as it offers several key benefits to the consortium:

  • Greater efficiencies in eHLbc’s licensing and invoicing processes
  • A cost-effective alternative to developing custom tools
  • Increased customization for member organizations
  • Joining a larger Canadian consortial community of practice using ConsortiaManager

Savings and efficiencies are also generated by the fact that both eHLbc and BC ELN are moving to ConsortiaManager in tandem.

Behind the scenes, eHLbc staff are working with ConsortiaManager to set up institutional dashboards and contacts. We will test workflows and use-cases in the coming weeks, and will begin orienting member organization staff to ConsortiaManager in late April/early May. Our goal is to make the process as clear and smooth as possible. Members will be supported every step of the way as we all learn to use this powerful new tool.

Photo by Alexas Fotos from Pexels