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Affiliate Member Application Form

The first step in the Affiliate application process is to complete this form. The Administrative Centre will review your application and contact you with any outstanding questions. Once completed, it is sent to the Management Committee to formally assess your application for affiliate membership.

The Benefits and Responsibilities of eHLbc members should be reviewed prior to applying for Affiliate Membership. They can be found at

1 Start 2 Complete


Contact Information

Explain your role and position within the organization.
If you are a post-secondary institution, please provide your full time equivalent (FTE) numbers. If you are an association, health organization, or have a health affiliation, please supply the number of staff served, or membership numbers.
Please provide a summary of, or link to, your organization's mission and vision.

Each eHLbc member must comply with the conditions below. Please review them to ensure you are in compliance.

  • The organization is operational and has their primary physical location/campus in British Columbia or Yukon;
  • The organization is part of a post-secondary institution, or is a health organization, or has a health affiliation;
  • The organization understands membership means they will subscribe to a portion of the Core Suite;
  • If the organization is part of a post-secondary institution that they are able to provide credible full time equivalent (FTE);
  • If member is a health organization or has a health affiliation, that they annually supply the number of staff served, or membership numbers;
  • The organization understands that membership in eHLbc does not take the place of providing their own adequate and dedicated staffing levels to administer eHLbc licensed resources.



As an Affiliate Member of eHLbc you must provide secure and authenticated access to the electronic resources, restricted to your bona fide members.

  • You must have IP address(es) that are distinct to your organisation AND/OR the ability to administer login and passwords to authorised members of your organization.
  • You must be able to provide secure authentication if off-site database access is allowed, such as through a member's only website.
  • After initial training, you must be able to administer vendor administration modules with little assistance from the eHLbc Administrative Centre. You must have technical support at a workable level so that users can access eHLbc licensed databases and appropriate staffing support so that instructional/ troubleshooting assistance is available to your users when using eHLbc resources.

The next few questions will help explain how you intend to connect and support your users with eHLbc resources.

Onsite Access
In order to provide IP authenticated access to your resources on-site your organisation needs to have STATIC or FIXED IP addresses assigned to your site/office.
Note: Dynamic IP addresses cannot be used as they are re-assigned or change over time.

Please format IP addresses as single IPs or IP ranges NOT as CIDR notation which the vendors do not accept.
i.e. through an organizational intranet, or through computers in a library space.

Off Site Access

Note: Some restrictions may apply to off-site usage of OVID resources.
Check any that apply.


After initial training, you must be able to administer vendor administration modules with little assistance from the eHLbc Administrative Centre. You must have technical support at a workable level so that users can access eHLbc licensed databases and appropriate staffing support so that instructional/ troubleshooting assistance is available to your users for the licensed databases.


All organizations accepted to be eHLbc Affiliate Members are required to pay the Membership fee and Core Suite License Fee as outlined below. 

Membership Fees (required)

  • Payment of an annual affiliate membership fee before the fiscal year in which licensing takes place is required.
  • The All Member Group reviews the membership fee every three to four years, preceding the Core Suite renewal.
  • Current membership fees are available on the Fee Schedule page.

Core Suite License Fee (required)

  • Subscription to the Core Suite is a requirement of eHLbc membership.
  • Affiliate Members have the option of subscribing to the EBSCO portion of the Core Suite (six resources), the Ovid portion of the Core Suite (three resources), or the full Core Suite (nine resources).
  • The annual fee for the four-year Core Suite license period is reviewed and approved by the All Member Group prior to the Core Suite renewal.
  • Contact the Administrative Centre for current fees.

Boutique License Fee (optional)

  • Subscribing to eHLbc's Boutique Resources is optional. Boutique resources are annual opt-in/opt-out licenes, provided on a cost-recovery basis.
  • No additional administrative fees are levied for Boutique Resources.
  • Invoices for Boutique Resources are sent out several times a year; note that all fees must be received by eHLbc's fiscal year end which is March 31st.