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Canadian Health Research Collection Renewal 2011-2012

Response Deadline: 
December 16, 2011

Subscription Term


January 1, 2012


December 31, 2012

Pricing is now available for the Gibson Library Connections' Canadian Health Reference Collection (CHRC) Renewal. e-HLbc has negotiated pricing, including significant consortial discounts on both the initial purchase of the collection as well as annual updates:

  • New licensors will see 12 - 15% discount off of list price.
  • Existing licensors can experience up to a 42% discount off of list price for their annual renewal or "update".

There has been in increase from last year's pricing.  Costs for new subscribers has increased approximately 10% from last year, and annual updates have increased by 5%.   Note that this is still a significant discount off of the list price for this product.